Privacy statement
On some pages of our site we collect personal informations.
If a user contacts us in order to ask a question, to ask a price,
to order a product, to download some software, we need this
personal information to fullfill the request of the user, i.e. we
need the email address in order to reply.
This information can include the name, the address, the email
address, other info for the shipping, the phone number and
any possible user's comment.
This information is processed only within our staff and will never
be disclosed to third parties, with the exception of what is
needed to complete the transactions.
The personal information is used only for accounting purposes
such as the delivery of the material, the collection of payments,
and to send invoices for our products or services.
We collect only the information strictly needed to perform
our legitimate business actions, and we take all mesures to
ensure the safety and the confidentiality of this personal
We use the email address only for answering users' questions,
and will never send unsolicited ads.
Personal information can be disclosed to authorities in case
of investigations against online frauds, or to prevent Internet crime.
However, no data transmission over the Internet can be
guaranteed to be completely secure, we cannot guarantee the security of any
information you transmit to us. You transmit such information at your own
Changement of this statement
We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any
time without any prior notice. Changes will be effective immediately upon